Ascent is supported by the Department of Energy with funding from the Advanced Simulation and Computing Program and the Exascale Computing Project.
If you would like to cite Ascent, please cite the book chapter on Ascent:
Ascent: A Flyweight In Situ Library for Exascale Simulations In: Childs, H., Bennett, J.C., Garth, C. (eds) In Situ Visualization for Computational Science. Mathematics and Visualization. Springer, Cham.
author = "Matthew Larsen and Eric Brugger and Hank Childs and Cyrus Harrison",
title = {{Ascent: A Flyweight In Situ Library for Exascale Simulations}},
booktitle = {{In Situ Visualization For Computational Science}},
pages = { 255 -- 279 },
publisher = {Mathematics and Visualization book series from Springer Publishing},
year = 2022,
month = may,
address = { Cham, Switzerland },