Ascent ActionsΒΆ
- Ascent Actions Overview
- Scenes
- Pipelines
- Extracts
- Triggers
- Ascent Actions Examples
- An example of the contour filter with a single iso value.
- An example of rendering a point field with constant radius.
- An example of rendering with no screen annotations.
- An example of creating a mesh plot.
- An example of using the volume (unstructured grid) extract.
- An example of using the log2 filter and clamping the min value. This can help when there are negative values present.
- An example if using the vector component filter to extract a scalar component of a vector field.
- An example of rendering with no world annotations.
- An example of using the log filter.
- An example of creating a render, specifying all camera parameters.
- An example rendering a 2d field.
- An example of using the log filter.
- An example of rendering with no background (alpha channel = 0)
- An example of changing the azimuth of the camera.
- An example of the contour filter with a number of evenly spaced levels.
- An example changing the rendering bounds of a 3d field.
- An example changing the rendering bounds of a 2d field.
- An example of the sampling filter using histogram-based approach.
- An example an inverted sphere clip using a center and radius
- An example of creating a transfer function for volume rendering.
- An example of specifying trigger actions without a trigger trigger actions file.
- An example of the streamline filter using point list seed placement
- An example of the interconnecting pipelines.
- An example of using the gradient filter and plotting the magnitude.
- An example of the three slice filter.
- An example of disabling a color table.
- An example of using the volume (unstructured grid) extract with min and max values.
- An example of filtering fields not present in the actions file.
- An example of using the gradient filter on a element centered fieldand plotting the magnitude.
- An example of the contour filter with a multiple iso values.
- An example of the slice filter with a single plane.
- An example of creating a mesh plot of a contour.
- An example of using inverted clip with field.
- An example if using the vector magnitude filter.
- An example of using the log filter and clamping the min value. This can help when there are negative values present.
- An example of the slice filter with a single plane (off-axis).
- An example of the slice filter with a single plane.
- An example of creating a plot specifying the min and max values of the scalar range.
- An example a plane clip defined with a point and a normal
- An example of using clip with field.
- An example if using the re-center filter (to vertex).
- An example of rendering with no annotations.
- An example of rendering custom background and foreground colors.
- An example of using the isovolume filter.
- An example if using the re-center filter (to element).
- An example of using the gradient filter and plotting the magnitude.
- An example of the slice filter with a single plane.
- An example of using the gradient filter and plotting the magnitude.
- Example of rendering multiple topologies
- An example of creating a render specifying the image size.
- An example a blox clip
- An example of using the log10 filter.
- An example of using the log2 filter.
- An example of creating a custom color map.
- An example if using the composite vector filter to compose three scalar fields into a vector.
- An example a sphere clip using a center and radius
- Example of adding 1 ghost field with 2 topologies
- An example of using the gradient filter and plotting the magnitude.
- An example of using queries in filter parameters.
- An example of rendering a point field with variable radius.
- An example of using the threshold filter.
- A more complex trigger example using several functions that evaluate positons on the mesh.
- Example of adding multple ghosts with 2 topologies
- An example of using the gradient filter and plotting the magnitude.
- An example of data binning, binning spatially and summing a field.
- An example of using the log10 filter and clamping the min value. This can help when there are negative values present.
- An example of using the gradient filter using cell gradients on a element centered field and plotting the magnitude.
- An example of using the uniform sample grid filter on a 20x20x20 hexahedron mesh to sample a grid that is smaller in each dimension by 10.
- An example of using the uniform sample grid filter on a 20x20x20 hexahedron mesh to sample a grid that is equal in dimensions.
- An example of using the uniform sample grid filter on a 20x20x20 hexahedron mesh to sample a grid that is equal in dimensions but with smaller spacing between points.
- An example of using the uniform sample grid filter on a 20x20x20 hexahedron mesh to sample a grid that is equal in dimensions but with larger spacing between points.
- An example of using the uniform sample grid filter on a 20x20x20 hexahedron mesh to sample a grid that is equal in dimensions but with a shifted origin.
- An example of using the uniform sample grid filter on a 20x20x20 hexahedron mesh to sample a grid that has larger dimensions by 5.
- An example of using the uniform sample grid filter on a 20x20x20 hexahedron mesh to sample a grid that has larger dimensions by 5 and with a disproportionately large invalid_value.
- An example of using the streamline filter and associated tube parameters to produce a rendering.
- An example of using the xray extract.
- An example of using devil ray scalar rendering.
- An example of using a relay extract to save a subset of the data.
- A more complex trigger example using several functions that evaluate positons on the mesh.
- An example of using the xray extract.
- An example of rendering to a filename using format specifiers.
- An example of quiering the current cycle.
- An example of using devil ray for pseudocolor plot.
- An example of using devil ray for pseudocolor plot.
- An example of rendering amr data
- An example of using devil ray for pseudocolor plot.
- An example of using an relay extract to save the results of a pipeline to the file system.
- An example of scalar rendering
- An example of using an relay extract to save the published mesh to the file system.
- An example of using devil ray scalar rendering using a plane.
- An example of rendering amr data
- An example of quiering the maximum value of a field from the result of a pipeline.
- An example of explicitly saving a session file.
- An example of using devil ray for pseudocolor plot.
- An example of using devil ray to reflect a data set.
- An example of quiering the maximum value of a field.
- An example of rendering amr data
- An example of using the Material Interface Reconstruction filter.
- Expressions Overview
- Expression Objects
- Data Binning
- VTK-m Color Tables
- Devil Ray Color Tables
- 3-wave-muted
- 3-wave-yellow-grey-blue
- 3w_bGrBr
- 3w_bgYr
- 3w_gby
- 4-wave-orange-green-blue-gray
- 4-wave-yellow-green-teal-gray
- 4Wmed8
- 4w_ROTB
- 4w_bgTR
- 4w_bgby
- 4wave-bgyGr
- 5-wave-orange-to-green
- 5-wave-yellow-green
- 5-wave-yellow-to-blue
- 5w_BRgpb
- 5wave-yellow-brown-blue
- Accent
- Blues
- BrBG
- BuGn
- BuPu
- ColdAndHot
- CubicL
- CubicYF
- Dark2
- GnBu
- Greens
- Greys
- HotAndCold
- IsoL
- LinLhot
- LinearL
- OrRd
- Oranges
- PRGn
- Paired
- Pastel1
- Pastel2
- PiYG
- PuBu
- PuBuGn
- PuOr
- PuRd
- Purples
- RdBu
- RdGy
- RdPu
- RdYlBu
- RdYlGn
- Reds
- Set1
- Set2
- Set3
- Spectral
- YlGn
- YlGnBu
- YlOrBr
- YlOrRd
- blue
- cool2warm
- dense
- gr-insert_0-10
- gr-insert_10-20
- gr-insert_20-30
- gr-insert_30-40
- gr-insert_40-50
- gr-insert_50-60
- gr-insert_60-70
- gr-insert_80-100
- gr-insert_80-90
- gr-insert_90-100
- grey
- levels
- orange
- rainbow
- rambo
- temperature
- thermal
- ParaView Visualization